Proper Waste Management As A Solution To Pollution

Nigeria is notorious for a number of things and sadly, one of them is having some of the dirtiest cities in the world. Many in the country repeatedly have to deal with high levels of air and land pollution, putting their health and that of infants in jeopardy. 


The average Nigerian struggles with pollution every single day– from the amount of soot in the air, to the waste in the open gutters lining up most roads in the country. This, in turn, becomes a breeding ground for all sorts of flies and mosquitos, further endangering the lives of Nigerians. 


Land pollution is very common in the country as numerous landfills pop up each day. The worst part is these landfills are always situated in residential areas causing great discomfort and further pollution to the people living near them. 


Although several agencies have been set up to curb the issue of pollution in Nigeria, the rate of pollution is still alarming. Some of these agencies are the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency, and State Ministries of Environment. 

Due to the inability of these agencies to keep the situation under control, several NGOs have arisen to help tackle the problem. 


And one major way these NGOs have tried to curb pollution effectively is through proper waste management. For proper waste management to take place, NGOs are helping to enforce SDGs no. 14 which says; ‘Avoid plastic bags to keep the oceans safe and clean’.


However, plastic bags are still very much in circulation. As a matter of fact, most Nigerians haven’t even come across reusable shopping bags that are meant to reduce pollution. 


In light of this situation, here are a few ways to effectively practice waste management and curb this pollution menace; 


  • Strategic placing of waste bins in residential areas, schools, and markets– To curb the amount of waste being thrown into sewages, gutters, and water bodies, proper waste collection methods must be practiced. 
  • A waste collection and disposal board for each state– A waste collection and board must be set up in each state to properly dispose of all waste accumulated in bins, from households and offices. This board should also be in charge of ensuring no waste finds its way into sewages and gutters. 
  • Stricter laws with penalties against wrong waste disposal and the production and use of plastic bags.
  • Reduce the amount of waste ending up in landfills by ensuring all households and organizations practice the reduce, reuse, or recycle method in waste management. 
  • Education- It is important to let people understand the dangers of bad waste management, so they can collaborate with organizations and the government to effectively manage waste and curb pollution. 

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Land pollution is a problem that has ravaged Nigeria for years and this is because it has not been treated with the severity it deserves. But by carefully putting boards in place to see to the effective management of waste, enforcing stricter laws, and educating people, the effects of land pollution can be reduced drastically. 


And this will result in a safer and cleaner environment for all Nigerians.

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